


Hey Data Leader - wanna catch up?

The world of data & AI is constantly changing and evolving, and there seems to be no end to the fascinating trends and new concepts popping up around every corner. What better way to share insights - and get inspired - than an informal meetup with other industry leaders in data and AI?

Join fellow data enthusiasts for a relaxed data & drinks get-together on Mindfuel’s home turf in Schwabing, Munich. Let's meet up, mingle, and share insights and drinks with fellow data lovers while enjoying the Munich summer in our cozy backyard office. This event is perfect for any data & AI leader looking to network, share knowledge, and expand their horizons in an informal setting!

When: 13 June at 6PM
Where: Mindfuel’s Munich office
What: A relaxed get-together with fellow data lovers

This event is an exclusive, intimate gathering with limited spots available - so make sure you RSVP as soon as possible!